After School Club Information
The After School Club operates within the values and guidelines of the school. However, it differs from lessons in that its’ emphasis is on providing good quality play care for your child after a busy day at school.
About the Club
The After School Club offers an affordable childcare solution for parents/carers of children attending The Victory Primary School.
The club caters for children from Reception to Year six and therefore complies with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation stage.
It is located in the Nurture Room and it runs from Monday to Friday during term time.

Miss M. Durow - Manager of After School Club and Breakfast Club, 1:1 LSA, Level 2 + 3 (diploma) Supporting, Teaching and Learning, First Aid and Safeguarding

Miss E. Porter - Level 3 Children’s play, Learning and Development, First Aid and Safeguarding, 1:1 LSA.

Mrs T. Ayling - 1:1 LSA, First Aid and Safeguarding.

What Happens Between 3:15pm & 5:15pm?
The club offers a variety of activities, allowing for children to play, learn and develop. There is a range of equipment and toys that meet their varying needs, giving children opportunities to read, draw, make and play. On sunny days children will also be allowed outside to play, under strict supervision.
What Food & Drink is Available?
Healthy snacks, such as breadsticks, cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, cereal bars and toast are prepared in the Nurture kitchen area. Drinking water and squash is available at all times. Any special dietary requirements must be indicated upon registration.
Health & Safety
The After School Club complies with the school’s Health & Safety policy.
There are at least three members of staff on duty at all times to ensure we are able to meet your child’s needs. We work within a ratio of 1:8 for children under 8 years old.
Children are kept in their year group bubbles and use hand sanitiser.
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Our High 5 Values and school rules are on display and all children are expected to comply with these. Positive behaviour is rewarded and celebrated. However any child displaying challenging behaviour and who may pose a risk to their own/other’s safety, may be refused a place at the After School club.
Equal Opportunities
The After School club complies with the school’s policy on Equal opportunities.
Children with Special Needs are welcome in our club and staff will work closely with parents/carers to ensure their needs are met.
Child Protection
The After School club complies with the school’s Child Protection policy.
We will not allow your child to leave the club with anyone without your prior written consent.
Children will not be handed over to parents/carers who appear under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Applying for a Place
If you would like your child to attend the club, a registration form (obtainable form the school office) must be completed in full, prior to a place being offered.
There is a waiting list for the After School club and we may not able to offer a place for your child straight away. Spaces will be allocated based on compliance with the staff to pupil ratios. As soon as we are able to offer a place, you will be informed by the school.
Should you no longer require your child’s place in the After School club, please give the school at least one week’s written notice of cancellation, otherwise you may be charged, even though your child may no longer attend the club.
Opening Times and Fee Structure
3:15pm – 5:15pm term time only (excluding inset days)
£6.00 including tea
All fees need to be paid in advance to guarantee your child a place.
If you owe money your child will not be able to attend until the outstanding balance is paid
Tea will be served at 4:30pm
We provide a choice of seasonal fruit, toast or sandwiches, bread sticks, juice, water or hot chocolate.