Communication and Interaction

Waves of Intervention

The school provides a graduated response to each child dependent on their level of need. This approach is often referred to as the waves of intervention model which is shown below.

When children have been identified as needing further intervention the SENCO will carry out observation and assessments, combined with discussions with parents and outside agencies where appropriate.

Waves of intervention for children with communication and interaction needs:

Wave 1 intervention

Whole School Approach (Quality First Teaching)

Wave 2 interventions

Targeted Support

For individuals or small groups

Wave 3 interventions

Highly personalised intervention for individuals


 The effective inclusion of all pupils in high-quality everyday personalised teaching.

Clear objectives that are shared with the children and returned to at the end of the lesson.

Careful explanation of new vocabulary through a word aware approach.

Use of lively, interactive teaching styles which make maximum use of visual and kinaesthetic as well as auditory / verbal learning.

Visual timetables

Dependant on assessed need the following small group interventions may be provided:

 A social skills group

A ‘Narrative Approach’ group

A speech and Language group – as appropriate.

 ‘Time to Talk’ group

Speaking, listening and attention skills group

Pre teaching of key vocabulary.

School's therapy resource pack

Social stories

Dependant on assessed need the following individual interventions may be provided:

A SEN Support Plan which sets personal targets on a regular basis

Use of signs or symbol systems such as Makaton or the Picture Exchange System (PECS) within our Language Unit

An individual visual timetable

 Social stories

Support from a teaching assistant at points throughout the day.

A specific programme written by the Speech and Language Therapy Service.

Weekly sessions with our Speech and Language Therapist for children within the Language Unit provision.

Application for EHC needs assessment if needed.


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