Phonics – Read Write Inc
At The Victory Primary School, we use Read Write Inc as our phonics programme developed by Ruth Miskin, as it helps all children to learn to read fluently and at speed, so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling. Pupils stay on the phonics program until it is completed, regardless of their year group and age.
Phonics is delivered daily from 9-9:45am.
The children are assessed and grouped according to their ability. At the end of each half term, the children are re-assessed to check they have made progress and are re-grouped. This allows children to make progress through the levels at their own pace.
The Read Write Inc. programme is structured into three sets:
Set 1 - which focuses upon the teaching of single letter sounds and some of the most common diagraphs (special friends) - sh, th, ch, qu, ng and nk
Set 2 - ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar, or, air, ir, ou and oy
Set 3 - ea, oi, a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, aw, are, ur, er, ow, ai, oa, ew, ire, ear, ure, tion, tious/cious (split diagraphs are referred to as chatty special friends)
Lessons are structured into:
· Speed sounds
Within a speed sounds lesson, pupils will be introduced to a new sound or will review taught sounds using pictorial representations along with sound cards. Pupils learn the sound and a corresponding mnemonic. They will use Fred Talk to orally compose words containing the taught / reviewed sound e.g. if learning ‘ay’ the children will learn the mnemonic ‘ay – may I play?’ and will Fred Talk words such as say, play, day.
· Word Time
Word time is structured so that children have the opportunity to read real and nonsense (alien) words containing taught / reviewed sounds to build fluency.
The children begin using the mantra ‘Special Friends, Fred Talk, Read the Word’ where they will orally blend words. They then progress to ‘Fred in Your Head’ where pupils are given thinking time to blend within their heads, then saying the word aloud. Finally, the children complete ‘Speedy Reading’ where they will read the flashcards at a glance. This sequence is used to help build fluency.
· Spelling with Fred Fingers
During this session, pupils will use their ‘Fred Fingers’ to count, pinch and say sounds contained within a given word. Pupils will then write the spelling in their book and will have an opportunity to tick or fix their written work to address misconceptions. In a spelling session, pupils will spell words containing the sound of the day as well as reviewing previously taught sounds.
· Story Time
During story time, pupils work in pairs to read green words, red words, story words and practice reading their books aloud daily. They follow this timetable:

Pupils read books that are closely matched to their increasing knowledge of phonics and common exception words (known as red words). These books are fully decodable to enable the children to practice reading fluently.
Pupils across the school are grouped homogeneously, according to their progress through the programme. When the children have secure phonic knowledge / completed the phonics programme, they are placed into a reading fluency group where they practice reading a range of genres. During this half termly program, pupils develop fluency and comprehension, whilst continuing to develop a love and understanding of reading.