Safeguarding at The Victory Primary School
At The Victory Primary School, we are proud to have a strong safeguarding culture.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is our Headteacher, Mrs. Katie May. Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) are Mrs. Nina Drudge (Safeguarding Officer), Mr. Nick Bosnic (Assistant Headteacher) and Mrs. Kath Jones (Deputy Headteacher).
At least one of these staff will always be on site during school hours to handle safeguarding concerns. Our Nominated Governor for safeguarding is Mr. David Horne.

When a safeguarding concern is raised, all members of the Safeguarding Team are alerted. A member of staff may contact parents/carers to discuss the issue. Sometimes schools are required to seek advice regarding the concern with other professionals to decide whether action must be taken to protect children from harm.
Our Safeguarding Policy can be found on our Policies page.
All schools in the United Kingdom must adhere to government legislation regarding safeguarding. Key legislation and guidance:
Keeping Children Safe in Education:
Working together to safeguard children:
Prevent Duty:
Our school has strong links with the local area. A strong community is essential to protecting children from harm. All staff receive annual safeguarding training and the DSL and DDSLs do regular training to ensure that they are up-to-date and well informed to be able to safeguard our children to the best of their abilities.
Mrs. Drudge can also offer support to families who are finding things tough. Please contact her via the school office if you need support with financial and housing issues, children’s mental health, domestic abuse, parenting courses, neurodiversity, online safety and much more.
If you think a child is being abused or neglected, please alert the school on 023 9200 1160 and contact the council’s Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) during office hours:
Managing allegations against people that work with children
Our Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is Lydia Bowles
Direct Line: 02392882500
Helpful links:
CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection
UK Safer Internet Centre
Mental Health Schools Team (MHST)
Information on FGM
Frankie (support for child victims of Sexual Abuse)
You can find out more about safeguarding on the Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Partnership website: