The 5 Foundations Framework
The Foundations approach is evidence-informed and completely child-centred. Each Foundation is supported by 5 Key Performance Indicators, these are used to ensure the educational setting can embed the Foundations framework and understand the strategic direction regarding attendance improvement.
Foundation 1 allows schools to understand the whole school approach to supporting and improving attendance. The Foundation ensures schools create welcoming environments to allow all children to gain a sense of belonging, and ultimately achieve academically through regular school attendance.
Through embedding Foundation 2 this will ensure the attendance policy, processes and systems are translated into practise to support continuous and sustainable attendance improvements.
All staff receive attendance training through implementing Foundation 3: this supports the whole school approach and staff understanding of their role in improving attendance. Through the Foundation, certain staff are identified to engage in specialist training to continue to support families and children who work with external agencies.
Using headline data and directing resources is key to improving attendance and removing barriers for children. Foundation 4 supports schools to use data information effectively in supporting children. This approach supports educational settings to understand the groups, and individuals, who require specific programmes of intervention. Reviewing each programme of intervention ensures settings completely understand the effectiveness of support and to change what is not working.
Finally, Foundation 5 encourages educational settings to train and support all staff to understand the ‘root cause’ of concerns. Through this Foundation staff understand the importance of using the wider curriculum to allow all children to feel valued and accept themselves and others. Celebrating attendance success and supporting children returning from long term absence, including exclusions, are key drivers of Foundation 5.

The school has a fully embedded ethos in which excellent school attendance is expected, developed and nurtured. The escalated approach to supporting attendance is built on foundations of belonging and connectedness.

The approach to improving attendance is built on clear policies, systems and processes. This ensures continuous and sustainable improvement drives attendance practice. The attendance policy is understood by all stakeholders and allows the school to set, and maintain, high expectations to improve the culture of attendance.

The school prioritises developing a team of attendance experts, with a shared vision and core purpose. The Attendance Leader delivers bespoke training to support all staff to fully understand their role in improving attendance. External partnerships support attendance improvements through a multi-disciplinary approach for identified children and families.

Data information and analysis direct resources proactively towards key demographic groups and identified individuals. The expert use of data analysis informs decision making at all levels. The attendance process ensures the Attendance Leader understands the reason for attendance concerns, these barriers can then be successfully supported and removed.

Connecting and belonging drives the school approach to supporting attendance. All staff are supported to understand 'deeper roots' regarding poor attendance concerns. The school has developed, and embedded, an effective rewards system to further drive attendance improvements and celebrate success.